发表于 2008-2-24 22:53:58
When I saw the brother 's pics, I was shocks that why it doesn't include in the game><
[j]XZAXT RNPPE6[/j]I really want to date him, but his requirements are high(10 prizes) Honestly,he is the main reason for me to buy this time after I saw the Cgs of him from internet, when I know he is not my brother, thank god I surely I have to play it
[j]XZAXT RNPPEV[/j]And the scene of thoun113 he 奇, I replayed it for many good cuz it is so funny, but I dunno like the voice of 和希<--it is so bad In this scene you can feel 和希 likes 奇 with their conversion |