I personally like 24 more than 12, the main girl is more easier to accept(both personality and look) the main girl from 12 was just, how should I say it, too high class for me to understand xD
The voice actors for 24 interests me more too. Finally feather is a 攻略キャラ!!! Waited so long for that. I see the "loving" scenes for 24 is a more aggressive than 12... I'm keep on carpeting it with 12!! Oswald? Was probably the most surprising and hot character in the game!!(inu glasses less version?) like how the way his route is less of the teenage love and more like adults, (unlike Lewis's which focused mainly on their previously built relationship) I laughed to dead when I know the main girl is oswalds first love xD I thought he would have had a wife before and devorced and is no more interested in woman.....he's cute...
Damian just keeps on reminding me of FFX 's tidus..so similar in character, wait tidus is not scared of cats so that's one difference. He and feather is probably the most true to their "loving" needs, エロすぎる^_^well I like shimono San so I'm all good. It was funny that in feathers ending, he decided to show his "man" side only when he's with the main girl, very cute, but if I'm the main girl I would prefer him to be a guy too in from of other people so the main girl can show him off xD oh well.
Lewis was... Well,... Too typical for me to say anything about him, he's just,,,, too typical, it's like play otome games or reading shojo manga back from the 90s they should've add more interest to Lewis, like that he was actually a spy or was a monster. But no, he's just a typical knight that will save the day steal the princess from the prince ( lanis?)
Guy with a teddy bear!! Never would have thought that the teddy was the family ring.....I would have be more into him if he had some "hot" elements (for me)
The game is still a bit 金太郎飴, but it is getting better. Next time will 36 hours of Cinderella with the biggest sister, and she will have spencer!! |