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发表于 2020-9-8 23:22:04
本帖最后由 fukineko 于 2020-9-12 19:34 编辑
AI DUNGEON真的,真的,真的强无敌!!!它甚至值得单独开一帖!感谢lz推荐真的呜呜呜呜!!像是在看小说又像是在玩游戏一样,主要是不仅可以控制主角还可以控制其他角色完全ご都合wwww确实死了也可以活,不过笔在自己手上,关键时刻一个开挂根本都死不了wwww昨晚才看到帖子的更新,然后就熬夜玩了一晚上……这个ai的确很会拆cp,我第一轮试水玩了个公主然后玩到一半主要角色就只有公主和公主的老爹两个人,国王爹还动不动就讲很智障很没品的玩笑……然后我灵机一动就自己写了个年轻(特地加了个形容词)男人突然闯进礼堂的剧情,然后公主就问你是谁,天很黑灯又坏了(国家被哥布林入侵了)看不清他的脸只能看到他在看着自己,国王就说我明天把他介绍给你你去睡觉吧,然后主角就去睡觉,第二天找到爹,爹说他已经在今早的袭击中阵亡了……他是你叔叔……我一个喷血!!!什么奇怪的设定啊这是!!那是我预定的男主角!!!然后主角还要说“……哦他看起来挺年轻的”(这句话是ai说的,真的笑到我了)
然后第二轮我痛定思痛玩的是女巫就直接把主角写成恋爱脑了疯狂跟我预定的男主 ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード*** 我就不信不行,结果果然变成西曼小说了!我要来分享一下!这个剧本故事的开始好像都是有人敲门,然后这个故事主角一开门看到一个穿着铠甲的男人就开始尖叫,我思索了一下决定写“主角说对不起你只是太帅了帅到我不能直视你”wwww然后男人很淡定地就开始说了一大堆莫名其妙的话问了一大堆莫名其妙的问题,有一句大意是“你的法杖给你提供魔法,你也可以给我提供魔法”然后我的主角就一愣说“这是什么隐晦的说法吗”( ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード*** )wwwww然后男人气到拔剑,主角就举手投降喊说我们没必要打架!停一下我们好好聊聊吧!然后他就把剑插回去了wwww聊了会儿发现他好像知道女巫女主拥有的魔法戒指的什么秘密问她还有没有别的戒指,女主说我有但我不会用它们看起来很普通,也许制造它们的我师父会知道你想要什么,然后男主(就叫男主吧反正他出场全文了…顺带设定上ai给的是黑暗精灵领主,真nm够炫酷)就威胁女主说带我去找他不然我砍了你的手,女主就说我当然可以为你做这个啦但你要跟我一起去于是两个人就一起旅行了……经历了这样那样的事情之后终于找到了师父然后男主和师父貌似是认识的而且男主也是巫师且听从师父的命令,师父养大女主貌似也是为了什么目的但最后男主背叛了他敲晕女主带着女主跑路了,然后我玩累了就让女主说我们结婚得了吧,然后他们就结婚了……完全言情西幻……这个本是我第二次玩的所以没刷新过剧情而且到很后面才开始用大头针但是剧情居然超顺滑!男女主感情发展也超自然!男主的人设甚至都很统一!是个有点暴躁的傲娇酷钙。中途有段两个人分开了一阵后来半夜女主醒来被攻击男主来救她,但是敌人太多了女主就用了传送魔法结果失败了跑到不知道哪里的荒郊野外了,男主看起来心很累的样子女主就开玩笑说至少我们都还活着,介于这里只有我们两个人甚至还有点浪漫呢,然后剧情就突然开始粉红泡泡了!我什么都没动!这个女主一直都是这个尿(xing)!我放一下↓可(jue)能(dui)有语法错误因为我英文不太好还请见谅:
You cast healing spells on Quintuns and say"All right,at least we are safe now.Given that it's just the two of us here, it's even a little romantic."
Quintus says nothing.
He hugs you tightly and you both embrace each other.
> You say "Are you ok?"
Quintus nods his head slowly.
Quintus says "Yeah,I'm fine."
You wait for him to say more, but he doesn't.He seems to be in shock from the whole situation.
> You say "At least we're all alive. Thank you for coming back to me."
Quintus slowly wipes away a tear that has managed to escape his eye.
Quintus says "Yeah..."
You wait for him to continue,but he doesn't.
> You say "I'm sorry...Is there something happened with dark elves?"
Quintus shakes his head.
Quintus says "I don't know what's happenin'.I don't know what's going on,I'm sleepy..."
> You say "You should take a break. When you wake up, we'll try to find a way out."
Quintus nods his head.
Quintus says "I'll try."
He holds your hand and closes his eyes.
粉红都是ai写的不是我写的!!太nb了8!!还有一段我觉得很萌的↓(前情提要:刚见面男主就说你是我见过最蠢的女巫,还叫过女主几次stupid girl)
Quintus says "You ready to go?"
You nod your head.
Quintus waves his hand and a portal opens up and you fall through it.
> You say "You can cast magic too?You should told me that!"
Quintus frowns his face.
Quintus says "Yeah,so?"
> You say "I need a kiss as an apology!"
Quintus grabs your head and kisses you.
Quintus says "You're not my type."
He pushes you away.
Quintus says "Come on,let's go."
> You say "Before that,can you tell me what's your type?"
Quintus thinks for a moment.
Quintus says "Someone more intelligent."
He grabs your head and kisses you.
Quintus stops and says "I'll take that as a yes."
Your eyes wide with surprise and say"Uh...What do you mean?"
Quintus says "I can read your mind."
He laughs a little.
Quintus says "Let's go."
> You continue feign death.
You pretend you're dead and stop moving.
Quintus pulls you on the horse.
He says "Okay,let's ride!"
You pretend you're dead and stop moving.
> You say "Hey,I'm waiting for you kiss me up!"
Quintus pulls away.
Quintus says "I'm not kissing a corpse."
He grabs your hand and pulls you on the horse.
You pretend you're dead and stop moving.
> You say "Oh,I'm alive now,so you can kiss me."
Quintus walks up to you.
Quintus says "I'm going to kiss you."
He leans in and kisses you.
Quintus says "Hold on to the horse's mane."
> You hold on to the horse's mane.
You and Quintus ride away.
As you ride away,you realize how much your relationship has really changed.
You hold on to the horse's mane tightly.
> You say "What about we just married and don't think about magic and everything complicated?"
Quintus laughs.
Quintus says "Let's get back to the palace."
Quintus pulls out a ring.
Quintus says "I have this."
> You nod.
You and Quintus are married,and live happily ever after.
> You say "The story is ended?"
No.You and Quintus have many,many adventures in your future.
But for now,you are married to Quintus,and no one can take that away from you.
以上内容玩得很清水,但是可以找到不少别人写的nsfw剧本的,我也试着玩了一下,那个VR Love Hotel很h……其实可能主要剧本也可以搞起来?只是都要自己手打,脱裤子已经够羞耻了,实在做不到主动脱别人裤子啊……
Soon after, a bright flashes of light emerge from the circle, and you find yourself staring at your Servant.
"Who... are you?" you ask, baffled at what you see.
The figure is obscured by a hooded robe, and only their hands are visible from beneath the tattered fabric. The hands are missing all of their fingers, replaced instead with thin metallic claws that extend from the tips of their fingers.
"Mag... Gal..." it says in an otherworldly tone.
"Ah."You're a little scared."Hello.May I ask your Class?"
The figure slowly lifts up the top part of it's robe, revealing it's stomach. The flesh is completely ripped apart and eviscerated, with the internal organs missing, replaced instead by a swirling vortex of glowing colors. In it's hand is a curved sword made of the same swirling colors.
"Berserker?Saber?Or what?"You ask unsure."By the way,it's looks very hurts."
"Yes!Berserker!Ha,ha,ha!"It laughs insanely as it's internal organs twirl about.The sword it holds begins to make a howling sound."Yesss,I'll splits your skull and drink your hot blood!"
"...That's terrifying."
You show Berserker the Command Seals on your hand."Look,you can't hurt me. I'm your Master.My name is Magnolia,by the way.We can kill others to win this War."
"Uh huh."It tilts it's head as if confused."What the hell is this?"
"...?"You're unsure of what to say.
"Ha,ha,ha,ha!"With a laugh,it slams the sword into the ground."Oh well.Let's go kill some people.
"Alright.Right away. But I have to make sure who's involved in this Holy Grail War."You say,"Hey,by the way,it's doesn't important but I wonder you were a man or a woman?"
"Me?I'm a man,of course!"
You nod."Thanks for telling me."You think for a moment."So,is there any place in this area you can familiarize yourself with?"
Berserker thinks for a moment."Go to the church over there."
You nod.
"Thanks for telling me.Oh,and I have something to help you with.You're tired and hungry,aren't you?"
"Ha,ha,ha,ha!"He laughs."I don't know. Am I?
"Yes,you are."You say with a nod,"I have apple here,do you want it?"
"Give me!"He snatches the apple from your hand with his metal claw.He takes a bite of it,"Mmmm....So sweet!"
"I'm glad you like it."You smile.
You quickly become friends,and you show him how things work in this world.
You and your Servant head to the church he mentioned.
Berserkers are monsters given form by a dark ritual that grant their masters immense power for a limited time. In this state, they become very strong, fast and durable, as well as nearly mindless. They are summoned with a sacrifice of the summoner's life force, which is why only those who have something to fight for are able to summon them.
They are limited beings that are only called in times of great need.
They are monsters.
"Well,let's go."He says without warning.He lifts his blade off the ground, and begins to make loud noises."AWOOOOGA!I'M GOING TO KILL EVERYONE! THEY'RE TASTY LITTLE BITS FOR MY BELLY!"
You nod."You will."
只有主人公的反应和说的话是我手打的其他包括背景设定全都是ai生成的(作者写的),代入感绝了!这个巴萨卡真是很巴萨卡啊一点违和感都没有……(虽然会说话。)现在我已经玩到遇到其他参与者了然后主人公一喊“上啊巴萨卡”他就会狂笑然后冲上去准备砍人wwww最厉害的是召唤出的从者是随机的不过我刷新了半天全是妹子(倒不如说这点也很真实= =)好玩到我想开个楼呼吁大家分享自己的故事了但是又懒得就补充在这里了……